Encountering issues with JavaScript when attempting to add a new item to an HTML table as initially planned

I’m having an issue where whenever I add a new item to my table, it ends up at the top and replaces the original header. I would prefer if the new item gets added as the last row.

Here is a screenshot of the problem:

            var rIndex,
                table = document.getElementById("table");
            // checking for empty input
            function checkEmptyInput()
                var isEmpty = false,
                    Uname = document.getElementById("Uname").value,
                    Cname = document.getElementById("Cname").value,
                    Tname = document.getElementById("Tname").value,
                Kname = document.getElementById("Kname").value,
                    Mname = document.getElementById("Mname").value,
                    Oname = document.getElementById("Oname").value;
                if(Uname === ""){
                    alert("This field cannot be empty");
                    isEmpty = true;
                else if(Cname === ""){
                    alert("This field cannot be empty");
                    isEmpty = true;
                else if(Tname === ""){
                    alert("This field cannot be empty");
                    isEmpty = true;
                }else if(Kname === ""){
                    alert("This field cannot be empty");
                    isEmpty = true;
                else if(Mname === ""){
                    alert("This field cannot be empty");
                    isEmpty = true;
                }else if(Oname === ""){
                    alert("This field cannot be empty");
                    isEmpty = true;
                return isEmpty;
            // adding a new row to the table
            function addHtmlTableRow()
                    var newRow = table.insertRow(table.length),
                        cell1 = newRow.insertCell(0),
                        cell2 = newRow.insertCell(1),
                        cell3 = newRow.insertCell(2),
                        cell4 = newRow.insertCell(3),
                        cell5 = newRow.insertCell(4),
                        cell6 = newRow.insertCell(5),
                        Uname = document.getElementById("Uname").value,
                        Cname = document.getElementById("Cname").value,
                        Tname = document.getElementById("Tname").value,
                        Kname = document.getElementById("Kname").value,
                        Mname = document.getElementById("Mname").value,
                        Oname = document.getElementById("Oname").value;
                    cell1.innerHTML = Uname;
                    cell2.innerHTML = Cname;
                    cell3.innerHTML = Tname;
                    cell4.innerHTML = Kname;
                    cell5.innerHTML = Mname;
                    cell6.innerHTML = Oname;
                    // call the function to set the event to the new row
            // displaying data from selected row into input text fields
            function selectedRowToInput()
                for(var i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++)
                    table.rows[i].onclick = function()
                        // get the selected row index
                        rIndex = this.rowIndex;
                        document.getElementById("Uname").value = this.cells[0].innerHTML;
                        document.getElementById("Cname").value = this.cells[1].innerHTML;
                        document.getElementById("Tname").value = this.cells[2].innerHTML;
                        document.getElementById("Kname").value = this.cells[3].innerHTML;
                        document.getElementById("Mname").value = this.cells[4].innerHTML;
                        document.getElementById("Oname").value = this.cells[5].innerHTML;
            function editHtmlTableSelectedRow()
                var Uname = document.getElementById("Uname").value,
                    Cname = document.getElementById("Cname").value,
                    Tname = document.getElementById("Tname").value,
                    Kname = document.getElementById("Kname").value,
                    Mname = document.getElementById("Mname").value,
                    Oname = document.getElementById("Oname").value;
                    table.rows[rIndex].cells[0].innerHTML = Uname;
                    table.rows[rIndex].cells[1].innerHTML = Cname;
                    table.rows[rIndex].cells[2].innerHTML = Tname;
                    table.rows[rIndex].cells[3].innerHTML = Kname;
                    table.rows[rIndex].cells[4].innerHTML = Mname;
                    table.rows[rIndex].cells[5].innerHTML = Oname;
            function removeSelectedRow()
                document.getElementById("Uname").value ="";
                document.getElementById("Cname").value ="";
                document.getElementById("Tname").value ="";
                document.getElementById("Kname").value ="";
                document.getElementById("Mname").value ="";
                document.getElementById("Oname").value ="";
.container{overflow: hidden}
            .tab{float: left;}
            .tab-2{margin-left: 50px}
            .tab-2 input{display: block;margin-bottom: 10px}
            tr{transition:all .25s ease-in-out}
            tr:hover{background-color:#EEE;cursor: pointer}
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Add Edit Remove HTML Table Row</title>
        <meta charset="windows-1252">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
            .container{overflow: hidden}
            .tab{float: left;}
            .tab-2{margin-left: 50px}
            .tab-2 input{display: block;margin-bottom: 10px}
            tr{transition:all .25s ease-in-out}
            tr:hover{background-color:#EEE;cursor: pointer}
        <div class="container">
            <div class="tab tab-1">
                <table id="table" border="1" >
                    <tr class="header">
                <th class="style2">Unit Num.</th>
                <th class="style3">Computer</th>
                <th class="style3">Tower</th>
                <th class="style9">Keyboard</th>
                <th class="style3">Mouse</th>
                <th class="style4">Overall State</th>
                 <td class="style5">1</td>
                 <td class="style5">1</td>
                 <td class="style5">1</td>
                 <td class="style7">1</td>
                 <td class="style5">1</td>
                 <td class="style6">Very Good</td>
            <div class="tab tab-2">
       Unit Number :<input type="number" name="Uname" id="Uname">
       Computer ID :<input type="number" name="Cname" id="Cname">
       Tower ID :<input type="number" name="Tname" id="Tname">
  Keyboard ID :<input type="number" name="Kname" id="Kname">
     Mouse ID :<input type="number" name="Mname" id="Mname">
      Overall State :<input type="number" name="Oname" id="Oname">
    <button onclick="addHtmlTableRow();">Add</button>
    <button onclick="editHtmlTableSelectedRow();">Edit</button>
    <button onclick="removeSelectedRow();">Remove</button>

Answer №1

            let newTableRow = table.insertRow(table.rows.length),
                cell1 = newTableRow.insertCell(0),
                cell2 = newTableRow.insertCell(1),

Correct the code snippet by updating table.length to table.rows.length. The variable table, which is an instance of HTMLTableElement, does not have a length property.

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