What is the best way to change the class of the inline table of contents element using JavaScript?


Hello, I am currently working on building a straightforward navigation site and I have a question regarding how to modify or add a class to one of the li elements within the inline table of contents (toc) on the right side. I want to style it using CSS.

This is my current page:

Link to My Page

I aim to achieve a similar effect as demonstrated here: Desired Page Behavior

(If you scroll up and down the main page, you will notice changes in the styling of the toc element on the right)

You can also observe the same behavior in this example: Example Page (Notice how the toc on the right changes as you scroll)

I tried analyzing the JavaScript used in these pages, but found it quite complex and challenging to decipher. So, I'm reaching out for any suggestions or insights.

Thank you,


NOTE - QUERY RESOLVED AND CODE updated via the provided link based on responses below


The CSS styles I've worked on:

.doc-outline ul li a {
  text-decoration: none;

.doc-outline ul li a:hover {
  text-decoration: underline;

.doc-outline li.selected {
  font-weight: 600;
  border-color: #0065b3;

.doc-outline a:visited {
  color: #0065b3;

Relevant sections of HTML code

   <div class="primary-holder column is-two-thirds-tablet is-three-quarters-desktop">
      <div class="columns has-large-gaps is-gapless-mobile">

        <!-- MAIN CONTENT -->
        <div id="main-column" class="column is-full is-four-fifths-desktop">
          <main id="main" class ="content" lang="eng-us">
            <h1 id="learn-conditional-logic-with-branch-and-loop-statements">Learn conditional logic with branch and loop statements</h1>.....etc.

       <!-- TOC ON THE RIGHT SIDE -->
       <div class="right-sidebar column is-one-quarter is-one-fifth-desktop is-hidden-mobile is-hidden-tablet-only">
        <nav class="doc-outline is-fixed is-vertically-scrollable", id="affixed-right-sidebar">
        <nav id="side-doc-outline">
         <ul class="section-nav">
           <li class="toc-entry toc-h2"><a href="#make-decisions-using-the-if-statement">Make decisions using the if statement</a></li>
           <li class="toc-entry toc-h2"><a href="#make-if-and-else-work-together">Make if and else work together</a></li>
           <li class="toc-entry toc-h2"><a href="#use-loops-to-repeat-operations">Use loops to repeat operations</a></li>
           <li class="toc-entry toc-h2"><a href="#work-with-the-for-loop">Work with the for loop</a></li>
           <li class="toc-entry toc-h2"><a href="#created-nested-loops">Created nested loops</a>
            <li class="toc-entry toc-h3"><a href="#test">Test</a></li>
          <li class="toc-entry toc-h2"><a href="#combine-branches-and-loops">Combine branches and loops</a></li>


JavaScript Functionality

Modified JS code utilized through the provided link following feedback - Potential for simplifying some code blocks...

Highlighting Correct Menu Item in RHS TOC

(function rhsToc() {
// Initialize global variables outside functions
let observer = new IntersectionObserver(handler, { threshold: [0] });
let selection;
let headings = [...document.querySelectorAll("#main h2, #main h3")];
let rhsToc = [...document.querySelectorAll("ul.section-nav a")];
let a = null;
let lastScroll = 0;
let headingMenuMap = headings.reduce((acc, h) => {
    let id = h.id;
    acc[id] = rhsToc.find(a => a.getAttribute("href") === "#" + id);
    return acc;
  }, {})

headings.forEach(elem => observer.observe(elem));

// Detect Scroll Direction
let scrollDirection = [];
function scrollDetect(){
    var lastScroll = 0;
    window.onscroll = function() {
        let currentScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; // Get Current Scroll Value
        if (currentScroll > 0 && lastScroll <= currentScroll){
          lastScroll = currentScroll;
          scrollDirection = "down";
          lastScroll = currentScroll;
          scrollDirection = "up"

function handler(entries) {

    // Update selection with current entries.
    selection = (selection || entries).map( s => entries.find(e => e.target.id === s.target.id) || s);

    // Keep only true values
    filteredArr = selection.filter(x => x.isIntersecting == true );

    // Find last visible/intersecting (use a copied array for that, since reverse is an in place method)
    let firstVisibleId = [...selection].find(x => x.isIntersecting) ? [...selection].find(x => x.isIntersecting).target.id : null;

    // Is a firstVisibleId returned? If not, then follow the below steps
    if (firstVisibleId === null){
        // Were you scrolling down? - Then do nothing
        if (scrollDirection == "down"){
            // Do nothing!
        } else {
            // Scrolling up - Remove 'selected' from current menu item and add it to the menu item above it
            const current = document.querySelector(`#side-doc-outline > ul li.selected`);
            if (current) {
            // If there is no previous sibling with a class of 'toc-entry', you're at the top of the branch, so move up a level unless you reach section-nav
            if(previousByClass(a.parentElement, "toc-entry") == null){
                parent_by_selector(a.parentElement, "ul:not(.section-nav)") ? parent_by_selector(a.parentElement, "ul:not(.section-nav)").parentElement.classList.add("selected") : null;
            } else {
                previousByClass(a.parentElement, "toc-entry") ? previousByClass(a.parentElement, "toc-entry").classList.add("selected") : null;

    // Otherwise, remove 'selected' from the active item in the RHS toc
    const current = document.querySelector(`#side-doc-outline > ul li.selected`);
    if (current) {

    // Add 'selected' to the target item in the RHS toc
    for (s of selection) {
        let targetId = s.target.id;
        // Get the entry from the generated map.
        a = headingMenuMap[targetId];
        if (firstVisibleId === targetId) {


// Ensure Functions Initiate After Document Loads
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', tree);

Answer №1

I've encapsulated the text within each section with a class called paragraph, assigned for observation, and included a class named content to its content - although it is not currently utilized, I still recommend doing so.

UPDATE: incorporated your suggestion on how to choose the element in case of multiple overlaps.

Check this link for more details

let observer = new IntersectionObserver(handler, {
  threshold: [0.2]
let selection;
let paragraphs = [...document.querySelectorAll("#main .paragraph")];
let submenu = [...document.querySelectorAll("ul.section-nav a")];
let paragraphMenuMap = paragraphs.reduce((acc, p) => {
  let id = p.firstElementChild.id;
  acc[id] = submenu.find(a => a.getAttribute("href") === "#" + id);
  return acc;
}, {})

paragraphs.forEach(elem => observer.observe(elem));

function handler(entries) {

  // Update selection with current entries.
  selection = (selection || entries).map(
    s => entries.find(e => e.target.firstElementChild.id === s.target.firstElementChild.id) || s

  // Find last visible/intersecting (use a copied array for that, since reverse is an in place method)
  let lastVisibleId = [...selection].reverse().find(x => x.isIntersecting).target.firstElementChild.id;

  for (s of selection) {
    let targetId = s.target.firstElementChild.id;
    // avoid searching the dom and just get the entry from our map.
    let a = paragraphMenuMap[targetId];

    if (lastVisibleId === targetId) {
      let parentElem = a;
      // ensure that parent menu entries are selected too
      while (parentElem = parentElem.parentElement.closest(".toc-entry")) {
    } else {

Answer №2

So from what I gather, you're looking to apply styles by adding classes rather than directly styling elements?

 this.style = "color:red";

If that's the case, using ClassList is the way to go:


This adds the specified class, while remove() and toggle() take care of removing or toggling it.

To individually target elements, consider assigning IDs or classes and using them as indexes:


Then apply classes based on specific conditions:

 if(document.body.scrollTop == 100px){

For a more dynamic approach, you can remove previous classes before adding new ones:

if(document.body.scrollTop == 100px){
    for(let i = 0;i<classOfLis.length,i++){

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