Encountering a problem with the persistent JavaScript script

I have implemented a plugin/code from on my website:

Upon visiting my website and scrolling down, you will notice that the right hand sidebar also scrolls seamlessly. However, when at the top of the screen, clicking on any links becomes impossible unless you scroll down slightly.

Interestingly, I did not encounter this issue on the demo pages provided by the developer. Can you advise me on what I might be doing incorrectly?

Answer №1

Within the statement:

#container-content-right-side, #container-content-right-side-ocdb

There is a line of code

z-index: -1;

Please delete it or replace with z-index: 1; and it should function correctly (I verified this using live inspection)

Answer №2

It's a mystery why the plugin is acting this way, but adding this CSS rule should resolve the issue:

#container-content-right-side-ocdb-sticky-wrapper { height: 1px !important; }

Not the most elegant solution, but it gets the job done...

The plugin wraps your content in a div with the specified ID. It seems to use this div as an anchor for the page, but unfortunately sets its height to 430px, causing the problem in question.

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