Enable scrolling exclusively for the content within a tab, without affecting the tab label in Clarity Tabs

I have a tab with lengthy content in my project (check out the StackBlitz reference here).

This causes the appearance of a scroll.

The corresponding code snippet is provided below:

<div class="content-container">
        <div class="content-area">

                    <button clrTabLink id="tab1-link">Tab1</button>
                    <clr-tab-content id="tab1-content" *clrIfActive="true">
                    <button clrTabLink id="tab2-link">Tab2</button>
                    <clr-tab-content id="tab2-content" *clrIfActive>


The issue I am facing is that the scroll covers both the tab labels and content. My requirement is for it to only cover the tab content, keeping the tab labels visible as I scroll down.

To address this problem, I attempted to apply some styling adjustments:

.content-area {
  overflow: hidden !important;
  height: 100%;

#tab1-content, #tab2-content {
  height: 100%;
  overflow: auto;

However, implementing these styles caused the scroll to disappear entirely. How can I ensure that the scroll only affects the tab content?

Answer №1

Upon analyzing your code snippet, I found that Tab1 and Tab2 are list items within an unordered list with the class nav in Stackblitz.

To achieve the desired layout, consider moving this nav ul outside of the content-container div and positioning it right below the header-2 element. This will allow the content-container div to fill up the remaining space in the main container while keeping the Tab list elements fixed at the top.

This solution may be a result of the existing flex-related settings being properly configured.

Answer №2

I discovered a solution that worked for me. To resolve the issue of scrollbar visibility in the parent component content-area, I added the overflow property.

.content-area {
  overflow: hidden ;

This removed the existing scrollbar. Next, I used Chrome Dev Tools to determine the heights of the elements above.

To address this, I wrapped the tab content in another div with a specific class (e.g. mytab-content).

    <clr-tab-content id="tab1-content" *clrIfActive="true">
        <div class="mytab-content">

Finally, I added styles to the class like so:

.mytab-content {
  height: calc(100vh - 60px - 36px);
  overflow: auto;

With these changes, scrolling is now limited to the tab content only.

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