Enable only the link-text to be clicked when hovering

I'm currently experimenting with creating a link for an h1 title that transforms when hovered over. It's working perfectly fine, but I'm facing an issue - if I place the /a tag outside of the h1 element, the entire element becomes clickable and reacts to hover, which doesn't look good. On the other hand, if I put the /a tag inside the /h1 tag, only the text is clickable as intended, but it doesn't respond to hover effects (although other changes work).

As a beginner, I may not have provided all the necessary context for you to assist me effectively.

The following CSS code allows hover functionality, but makes the entire element clickable:

#headlines a:hover {
  transform: scale(1.5);
  transition: 0.1s;
<div class="grid_6" style="color: black; text-align: center">
    <a href="headlines.html"
       style="text-decoration: none; color: black">
        <h1> Headlines 

Answer №1

When hovering over the h1, apply a transform effect...but ensure the h1 remains as display:inline-block to avoid unnecessary size increase.

The link will always remain clickable while addressing the sizing problem.

a#headlines h1 {
  display: inline-block;

a#headlines h1 {
  transition: transform .5s ease;

a#headlines h1:hover {
  transform: scale(1.5);
<div class="grid_6" style="color: black; text-align: center">
  <a href="headlines.html" id="headlines" style="text-decoration: none; color: black">
    <h1> Headlines

Answer №2

Feel free to give it a shot

a#headlines:hover {
 transition: transform .5s ease;
  transform: scale(1.5);

Answer №3

To achieve the desired effect, simply include the following CSS code:

 a {
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 45px;
    transition: all 500ms;

 a:hover {
    font-size-adjust: 20px;

You can also view an example of this in action on this Fiddle

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