Enable a single flex item to wrap across multiple lines

I have an HTML code snippet that needs to be styled using Flexbox. Specifically, I want to re-order the elements and create a 'line break' before the last item. How can I utilize Flexbox so that most flex items are treated as atomic units, but one particular item—#c in this case—starts on the same line as the previous item and then wraps like a standard inline element?

section {
   display: flex;
   flex-wrap: wrap;
   width: 450px;
span {
   padding:2px 4px;
   border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,50%);
   margin:0 3px;
#a { order:1 }
#b { order:2 }
#c {
section::before {
#d { order:5 }
<span id="c">with an earthquake, birds and snakes and aeroplanes, and Lenny Bruce is not afraid</span>
<span id="a">That's great</span>
<span id="b">it starts</span>
<span id="d">— R.E.M.</span>

To clarify, in the above scenario, I aim to have "That's great it starts with an earthquake" all on one line with text wrapping, followed by "— R.E.M." on a separate line.

Answer №1

I believe that finding a perfect solution may require using some clever workarounds, as there might not be a one-size-fits-all answer

section {
   display: flex;
   flex-wrap: wrap;
   width: 450px;
span {
   padding:2px 4px;
   border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,50%);
   margin:0 3px;
#a { order:1 }
#b { order:2 }
#c {
/* added this*/
    margin-top: -1.2em;
    text-indent: 148px;

section::before {
#d { order:5 }
<span id="c">with an earthquake, birds and snakes and aeroplanes, and Lenny Bruce is not afraid</span>
<span id="a">That's great</span>
<span id="b">it starts</span>
<span id="d">— R.E.M.</span>

Answer №2

Consider updating your CSS (section) as follows:

section {
   display: grid;
   grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr));
   gap: 10px;
   background: purple;
   padding: 0.5em;

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