Empty space found at the bottom of the webpage

Looking for help to remove the extra white space at the bottom of my upcoming portfolio website:

The issue I'm facing is that the footer appears either too long or too short on most monitors. On tiny windows, there's a scroll and on larger resolutions, there's a small amount of persistent white space that I can't seem to get rid of.

Please feel free to check the view page source to see my CSS and HTML code. I don't have much experience as a web designer, only took one class, so this site has been put together slowly. Any suggestions on how to fix this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Some things I've already tried include:

  • adding height: 100% to the body
  • adding overflow: hidden to contentFooter
  • adding overflow: hidden!important to contentFooter

Answer №1

For all my websites, I encountered an issue with white space at the bottom. Here is how I resolved it:

When dealing with CSS problems like this, a helpful initial step is to include the following code:

* { border: 1px solid red; }

This CSS rule outlines all HTML elements with a red border.

The root cause of the white space at the bottom of my page was attributed to a problematic Chrome extension that inserted the div #dp_swf_engine at the end of my content:

<div id="dp_swf_engine" style="position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px;"></div>

If not for the red border highlighting, I might have overlooked the presence of a 1px div. I removed the troublesome extension and added display:none to #dp_swf_engine as a precautionary measure. (One can never be too careful when it comes to unexpected white space disturbances across all pages and applications!)

Answer №2

I didn't see any blank space at the bottom of the page, but there was some additional room in the footer. If that's what you meant, you can use this code to eliminate the extra space.

    background-color: #9db0ae;


The excess space is due to the fixed height of the footer. Changing the height to auto should resolve the issue.

Answer №3

Just a quick note: I'm currently running tests on Maxthon.

Initially, the div#background element was not occupying the entire page, instead taking up the bare minimum space possible. Since the footer was contained within it, there wasn't room for it to expand further. To address this issue, I made the following adjustment:

div#background {
    position: absolute;
    height: 100%;
    width:  100%;

Subsequently, I also adjusted the footer to always remain at the bottom of its parent element. Given that its parent was absolutely positioned, I simply applied the following method:

div#contentFooter {
    position: absolute;
    width:  100%;
    bottom:  0px;

Finally, I relocated the

tag inside the footer so that it stayed in sync with it. Typically, I would just use a top border, but it didn't quite achieve the desired visual effect. The resulting layout can be viewed here.

PS. It's worth noting that if the window size is too small, you may encounter clipping problems at the bottom of the page. However, these issues would persist regardless due to the min-height of div#contentBarrier being less than that of div#background.

Answer №4

No visible "white space" can be seen at the bottom of your website, unless you are referring to literal white space. Have you checked your browser? It's possible that a browser extension is affecting the display of your page. Consider using a tool like Browsershots to investigate further.

If you're talking about the space within your footer, you will need to adjust the height specified in this CSS code:

#contentFooter {
    height: 42px; /* modify this value */

UPDATE: Currently implementing a fixed footer for you...

Try adding the following:

#contentFooter {
   height: 42px;
   background-color: #9db0ae;
   position: fixed;
   bottom: 0;
   width: 100%;

#contentBarrier {
   clear: both;
   width: 1200px;
   padding-top: 20px;
   text-align: center;
   height: 100%;

Make sure to move your orange hr into the footer section. Alternatively, consider using CSS borders for better results.

By making these adjustments, your footer should stay fixed at the bottom of the screen regardless of page height. If the screen is smaller than the content height, scrolling will occur underneath the footer. To prevent any content from being hidden under the footer, add some margin to the bottom of your content block.

Answer №5

Your webpage's vertical layout is 905 pixels tall, which means it will only display properly if the browser window matches that exact height. However, this alignment may be rare as it depends on specific device resolutions, operating systems, and web browsers.

To ensure the body element occupies the full height of the browser window, you can add the following CSS code:

html, body { height: 100%; }

This will allow you to position the footer at the bottom of the body element and adjust padding for smooth scrolling when the window size is reduced:

#contentBarrier { padding-bottom: 45px; }
#background > hr { position: absolute; width: 100%; bottom: 42px; }
#contentFooter { position: absolute; width: 100%; bottom: 0; }

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