Display full desktop version on mobile devices with minimized view and no need for horizontal scrolling

While it may seem unusual, my client has requested temporarily removing responsiveness from the site to view the desktop version on mobile. I initially tried removing the responsive meta tag, but encountered horizontal scrolls on the page. My goal is to display the website on an iPhone exactly as it appears on desktop, without any scrolling or need for zooming.

I am using Bootstrap 3 and the container has a min-width:1220px, if that information is helpful.

Update: The issue seems to be related to a table in the page. When the table is removed, the website displays like the desktop version with smaller text. This problem only occurs on iPhones.

Answer №1

Make sure to set the viewport width specifically for mobile display. Adjust the min-width value accordingly like this:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=1220">

Keep in mind that changing the content width from device-width to your desired width is important for proper scaling. Otherwise, the browser will assume default values which may result in a layout that is too small for your site, causing horizontal scrolling issues.

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