Tips for inserting a personalized image or icon into the ANTD Design menu

Can anyone help me figure out how to replace the default icons with a custom image or icon in this example:

I attempted to do it by including the following code:

<Menu.Item to="/" key="2">
  <img className="ant-menu-item" src={require('image.png')} />
  <Link to="/shopify">Home</Link>

However, the result does not look aesthetically pleasing and it disrupts the collapsed behaviour.

Answer №1

When attempting to create custom icons, I experimented with various methods and found that the simplest and most effective approach was using the component property of the antd Icon component. By providing a functional component that returns the desired image, you can easily implement custom icons:

<Icon component={() => (<img src="/image.svg" />)} />

While this method works well within menu items and submenus, it may not align perfectly with the menu text like the default icons. To address this issue, I had to apply transform: translateY(-3px) in the CSS to adjust the positioning (this adjustment may vary depending on the image used).

Alternatively, the official recommendation (specifically for SVG images) suggests utilizing the @svgr/webpack plugin to convert the SVG file into a component. This approach could offer benefits in terms of layout and coloring, as antd icons appear to favor actual <svg> elements over <img> elements with SVG files. However, I did not personally explore this option.

Answer №2

<Menu.Item to="/" key="2">
    <img className="ant-menu-item" src=="{{ "image.png" | asset_url }}"/>
    <Link to="/shopify">Home</Link>

Answer №3

Although this question may be old, I wanted to share an alternative solution for those who prefer not to use webpack as recommended in the documentation. You can create your own SVG component and then pass it to the antd icon component.

Here is a simple example:

// Icons.tsx
export const MyIcon = () => {
  return (
       // svg path data

Then, in your code:

// app.tsx
import Icon from "@ant-design/icons";
import { MyIcon } from "./Icons";

const App = () => {
    return (
        <Icon component={MyIcon} />

I tested this in a sandbox and it appears to work well. I used antd version 4.23.3 for testing. However, you may need to make some adjustments to the styling depending on your specific requirements.

Answer №4

With a little tweaking, this solution should do the trick. Simply save your CSS styles in a separate file and then include the following code snippet:

.ant-menu-item{background-image: url("theme5.jpg");}

Answer №5

icon:<img src="/static/icons/BH_tainan.svg"  height={20} style={{margin:"0 12px 0 0" ,paddingTop:10 ,float:"left"}}/>,

ensure that the float attribute is set to "left" in your styling

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