Employ ng-class function in Angular JS

Utilizing the ng-class feature to include CSS classes has been a bit challenging for me. Despite reading numerous articles on the topic, I am still struggling with implementing a function call within ng-class.

Below is the expression I am working with:

ng-class="{'highlighter-row-Class' : (file.id == 1 && file.processed),
    'bold-row-Class' : lastSelectedResumeId == file.attributes.name, 
    'failed-doc': !file.processed}"

While multiple classes can be added using this method, I aim to include an additional condition that triggers a method and returns a specific class name:

$scope.getclass = function() {
  return 'someclass';

I attempted to use this method within ng-class after the last condition, but it did not work as expected. Can someone guide me on the correct way to achieve this using ng-class?

Revised approach based on feedback:

ng-class="[{'highlighter-row-Class' : (file.id == 1 && file.processed),
    'bold-row-Class' : lastSelectedResumeId == file.attributes.name, 
    'failed-doc': !file.processed }, getClassForHrms(file)]"

Function Definition:

$scope.getClassForHrms = function (file) {
    if (file.attributes.hrmsMandatoryFieldsMissing) {
        return "missingfieldspresent";
    } else if (file.attributes.isDocumentDuplicated) {
        return "documentduplicate";
    } else if (!file.attributes.isDocumentDuplicated) {
        return "documentuploadfailed";

CSS Used:

.missingfieldspresent {
  color: red;
.documentduplicate {
  color: purple;
.documentuploadfailed {
  color: deeppink;

Here's how the final HTML output appears:

<tr ng-repeat="file in processResumeFiles" ng-class="[{'highlighter-row-Class' : (file.id == 1 &amp;&amp; file.processed), 
    'bold-row-Class' : lastSelectedResumeId == file.attributes.name, 
    'failed-doc': !file.processed }, getClassForHrms(file)]" 
    class="ng-scope [object Object] documentduplicate">

Answer №1

If you require an array consisting of different classes, where one element in the array can represent classes based on certain conditions and the other triggers a function call, a basic example would look like this:

ng-class="[{'some_class' : condition}, function_class()]"

Here's a demonstration:

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.bb = function() {
    return "b";
.a {
  color: #999999;

.b {
  background-color: #F1F1F1;

.c {
  font-size: 30px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.9/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">

  <br><input type="checkbox" ng-model="aa" /> A: color : #999999
  <br><input type="checkbox" ng-model="cc" /> C: font-size : 30px

  <div ng-class="[ bb(), {'a':aa, 'c':cc} ]">
    <p>Testing classes</p>


For your specific scenario, it seems like you need:

ng-class="[{'highlighter-row-Class' : (file.id == 1 && file.processed) 
        ,'bold-row-Class' : lastSelectedResumeId == file.attributes.name, 
       'failed-doc': !file.processed}, getclass()]"

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