Employ jQuery for toggling CSS rotation

I have a plugin set up to handle the CSS3 attribute. It currently rotates 45 degrees when clicked, but doesn't rotate back when clicked again to hide the content. Any ideas on how to fix this?

$("#faq dt").click(function() {
if ($(this).next('dd').is(':visible')) {
 $(this).children('span').transition({ rotate: '45deg' });
else {
 $(this).children('span').transition({ rotate: '-45deg' });

You can check out the live site here:


$("#faq dt").click(function() {
$(this).next('dd').slideToggle('fast', function() {
    if ($(this).is(':visible')) {
         $(this).prev('dt').children('span').transition({ rotate: '45deg' });
    } else {
         $(this).prev('dt').children('span').transition({ rotate: '0deg' });

Answer №1

The situation is as follows. What I have observed is that when the slideToggle function is triggered on the dd element, the dd remains visible until the animation has finished toggling. Therefore, it is necessary to check if the dd is still visible after the animation completes by using a callback function.

You can find more information in the documentation here

$("#faq dt").click(function() {
    $(this).next('dd').slideToggle('fast', function() {
        if ($(this).is(':visible')) {
        } else {


Sometimes, there may be an issue with selecting elements. In such cases, you can simply use alert('1') and alert('2') as placeholders. The key concept should still be clear.

Answer №2

Have you considered utilizing a CSS class for the rotation and toggling it with JavaScript to create a flickering effect?

Answer №3

Let's dive into a simple solution:

$("#faq dt").click(function() {

    if (!$(this).next('dd').hasClass('hidden')) {
            rotate: '45deg'
    else {
            rotate: '0deg'

To see it in action, click here: http://jsfiddle.net/example/12345/

Answer №4

Check out this simple fiddle showcasing basic rotation features. It's up to you to bring it to life :)

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