"Embracing the power of dynamic CSS customization within Umbraco

I recently inherited an Umbraco system without much prior knowledge of the platform, and I am currently investigating the site's performance.

The branding and styling of the site is currently managed through a "Brand" document type, allowing the site administrator to specify background color, fonts, and other styling elements.

My main question is, how do people typically implement this type of styling without the website having to constantly make lookups for the values of various document type properties?

For example, if the site administrator changes the background color of the "Brand" document from red to blue and then republishes the site or a particular page, how are these changes reflected in the CSS files used by the site?

It seems that the site is utilizing LESS to essentially perform a "real-time lookup" against Umbraco, which is causing performance issues.

Answer №1

Is there a way to implement styling without constant lookups for document type properties?

To give content editors styling control through Umbraco, values will need to be looked up at some point. The key is finding the best way to cache and query the data. Using the UmbracoHelper for querying is faster and more efficient than using the ContentService, which hits the database and can slow down the site. Here's a better way to query Umbraco for data:

var node = Umbraco.TypedContent(nodeId);
var value = node.GetPropertyValue<string>("backgroundColorHex");

By leveraging Umbraco's built-in caching, this method speeds up the process significantly.

How can changes made by the site admin reflect in the CSS files?

One way to achieve this is by using razor to assign classes to HTML elements, which can then be picked up by LESS for styling. Another option is to directly style elements using inline CSS based on the values from Umbraco. The approach will depend on the color data structure and the flexibility needed for the content editors.

<div class="@bgColorClass @fontColorClass @borderClass">


<div style="background-color:@bgColor;">

Consider these options and let me know if it addresses your query or if there are any additional aspects you'd like to explore.

Answer №2

In one of my previous projects, I utilized LESS for styling. To convert the less file into a css file, I used dotless. ()

The stylesheets were generated automatically after a publish event in Umbraco.

After this process, the css file could be loaded just like any other static file.

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