"Eliminating the visual feedback frame from your Samsung Galaxy browser: A step-by-step

After clicking a link, a dark orange frame is displayed around it. This frame can sometimes persist until the next scroll or screen touch.

Similarly, when other elements are clicked, an orange frame may appear, adjusting in size to reflect the element clicked (such as a div or canvas).

What is the term for this platform-dependent visual feedback feature, and more importantly, is there a way to disable it programmatically using JavaScript?

Answer №1

Seems like the browser is applying an active style. To troubleshoot, consider including this in your CSS:

    border: none;

Hopefully that makes a difference.

Update: If the above code doesn't resolve the issue, you could also attempt using

outline: none;

Answer №2

After encountering a confounding issue with my website, I discovered that the dark orange outline surrounding my clickable canvas element was actually being generated by a transparent div rather than the canvas itself. To make matters even more perplexing, the outline appeared much larger than the actual size of the div. After some investigation, I found a solution to disable the outline using the information provided in this helpful answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7398763/android-browser-remove-outline-border-when-anchor-is-focused

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