Eliminate the horizontal scrollbar generated by a certain div

I'm working on the following HTML structure:

<div id="container">
   <div id="content"></div>

The container div is set at a width of 1050px and has a shadow background that repeats vertically.

The content div is 950px wide, centered horizontally within the container div, and contains the actual content.

My goal is to have a horizontal scroll bar only appear if the browser window is smaller than the content div, without causing one for the container div. How can I achieve this?

I have tried using overflow-x:hidden but it didn't work as expected.

Thank you in advance!


Answer №1

To address this issue, consider implementing a media query to determine when the browser reaches a width of 950px. At that point, you can enable the scrollbar by applying overflow-x:hidden; and switch it to overflow-x:scroll; to display the bar once the view is reduced.

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