Eliminate the Div Attribute once the radio button is activated

I'm just starting out with JavaScript and feeling a bit lost. I came across some code that adjusts the attributes of a Div based on a selection from a dropdown list. Now, I want to tweak it so that it works when a radio button is selected instead.

Below is the current code snippet:

function pageLoad(sender, args) {
    if (args.get_isPartialLoad()) {
        var rangeType = $('#<%= DateRangeList.ClientID%>').val();
        if (rangeType == 6) {
        else {
            $('#DatePeriodRow').attr("style", "display: none;");

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#<%= DateRangeList.ClientID %>').live("change", function() {
        var rangeType = $('#<%= DateRangeList.ClientID %>').val();
        if (rangeType == 6) {
        else {
            $('#DatePeriodRow').attr("style", "display: none;");

I've been attempting different ways to adjust this code for my requirements, but haven't had any success yet. Despite searching online extensively, I keep encountering the "Property/Value is null or undefined" error message, which leaves me stumped in terms of debugging on the Java end.

Your assistance would be immensely valued!

Answer №1

When it comes to toggling the visibility of an element, Raki's solution is effective. Alternatively, you can achieve the same result using this code:

$('#DatePeriodRow').hide(); // Hide the specified div
$('#DatePeriodRow').show(); // Show the specified div

Before anything else, make sure that your Property/Value is not undefined or null as this could indicate a problem with your selectors. For example, take a look at this line of code:

$('#<%= DateRangeList.ClientID %>')

The <%= ... %> syntax suggests ASP, so if this code snippet is supposed to be executed within an ASP environment, it may not be evaluating correctly which could lead to an incorrect jQuery selector being used.

Additional Tip

Remember to check the version of jQuery you are utilizing, as the .live() method is now deprecated in favor of .on() in newer releases.

Answer №2

For a more efficient approach, consider utilizing

$('#DatePeriodRow').css("display", "none");
to conceal the div element instead of
. To reveal the hidden div, simply employ
$('#DatePeriodRow').css("display", "block");

Answer №3

When using ASP Radio-button list, it is important to note that the list is rendered as a table containing html inputs with type "radio". Therefore, the selector should include "input" in order to target these elements. The following code snippet sets up event handlers for each radio-button upon document load, checking if any button has already been selected. If a button is checked, it triggers the "change" event to execute the handler function. I hope this clarifies things for you.

$(document).ready(function ()
        $('#<%=DateRangeList.ClientID%> input').bind("change",
            function ()
                if ($(this).val() == "6") {
                else {

        var checkedButton = $('#<%=DateRangeList.ClientID%> input[checked]').first();
        if (checkedButton.val())

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