eliminate gaps between hyperlinks using cascading style sheets

I developed a webapp for iOS which has a specific page containing a centered div with 3 buttons.

Inside this div, there is a total of 460px with each link measuring as follows: the first and last are 153px while the middle one is 154px.

The main issue arises when I place these links together without any spaces in between. It appears fine in that scenario, but if I add a newline between them, it causes misalignment.

An example of the problem can be seen here: http://jsfiddle.net/NicosKaralis/zJxfs/1/

My goal is to make the second set of links appear just like the first set. Is there a CSS property that could help achieve this?

Answer №1

display:inline-block automatically includes an additional 4px to the left of each element. To counteract this, you can either assign a negative margin to the left of each element (margin-left:-4px;), or float your elements to the left.

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