Eliminate certain inline styles using jQuery

I am facing an issue with an asp menu I am using. It is automatically inserting style="width:3px;" into my menu table tds, creating an unsightly gap between my tabs. Instead of asking our developer to customize the menu just to fix this cosmetic flaw, I am exploring removing this inline style with jQuery.

Below is a simple example:

<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
      <td style="width:3px;">hello world</td>

In jQuery, I can remove all tds with the style attribute by using the following code:


So, my question is, how can I specifically target the inline style that only contains 3px?

Take a look at my live demo here: http://jsfiddle.net/n9upF/

Answer №1

Are you wondering how to specifically target td elements that have a style attribute containing only width:3px;?

You can achieve this using the Attribute Equals Selector.


Answer №2

In my opinion, Evan's intention was to eliminate only the width:3px; from the style while keeping the other CSS styles intact. Therefore, here is a possible solution:

  if ($(this).attr('style').indexOf('3px') !== -1){
    var style = $(this).attr('style');
      $(this).attr('style', style.replace(/width: ?3px;/g, ''));

You can view a working example here

If this is not what you were looking for, Sarfraz has also provided an alternative solution. :)

Answer №3

Hey, I have a query - is there a way to exclusively target the inline style that includes only 3px?

You can attempt this method:

  if ($(this).attr('style').indexOf('3px') !== -1){

Check out the working demo here

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