Eliminate any unnecessary space below a list item and ensure it is justified

I need help with some extra indentation that is appearing under an ordered list I have created. I want to eliminate the extra spacing to achieve a cleaner look. This is how I want it to appear:


However, it currently looks like this:


Is it possible to completely justify the list format? I have checked Bootstrap's documentation but couldn't find a solution. Can this be achieved at all?

My HTML code is fairly simple. For the first desired result, I just have a paragraph tag:

 <div class="text-justify">
  <p class="grey-text"> 1. Applicable rules...<br><br>2. Definitions..</p>

And for the second result, I am using:

   <li> Applicable rules...</li>
   <li> Definitions...</li>

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, try utilizing the CSS property list-style-position: inside:

ol {
  list-style-position: inside;

Feel free to view this sample to confirm if this meets your requirements.

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