elements that do not adhere to set width constraints

I've successfully arranged elements in my HTML using flexbox to achieve a responsive design for a website. However, I've encountered an issue where the elements do not resize properly.

After applying a class of flex to the home-promos div and rearranging the elements at a breakpoint, everything seems to be working fine.

The problem arises when I attempt to resize the divs to percentages widths. They only scale up to a certain point, like 50%, and then refuse to go any larger.

If there's anyone proficient with flexbox who can shed some light on what might be causing this issue, please let me know!

.home-promos {
  display: flex;
.home-promo-center {
  order: 1;
.home-promo-left {
  order: 2;
.home-promo-right {
  order: 3;
<div class="home-promos">
  <div class="home-promo-left">
    <div class="promo-left-content">
  <div class="home-promo-center">
    <div class="promo-center-content">
  <div class="home-promo-right">
    <div class="promo-right-content">

Answer №1

Upon creating a flex container by using either display: flex or display: inline-flex, it automatically comes with a set of default configurations. These include:

  • flex-direction: row - causing flex items to align in a horizontal manner
  • justify-content: flex-start - prompting flex items to stack at the beginning of the line
  • flex-wrap: nowrap - enforcing flex items to remain on a single line
  • flex-shrink: 1 - allowing flex items to shrink if needed

Pay attention to the last two settings.

The three divs are constrained to staying on one single line, limiting their combined width to that of the container.

Furthermore, they have the ability to shrink, preventing them from overflowing the container and also restricting their width.

To assign specific widths to each flex item, you can override these initial settings with:

  1. flex-wrap: wrap - providing more room as flex items can now break onto new lines
  2. flex-shrink: 0 - allowing for more space as flex items will not shrink and can overflow their container if necessary

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