Efficiently filter through numerous options with a search-enabled multiselect feature

I am working on a Sveltekit Project that uses Bootstrap (Sveltestrap), and I am looking to implement a search function for it.

My goal is to have an input field where users can type in the desired value and then be able to select multiple values like in a multiselect dropdown (e.g. orange cat, black cat, red cat, ...). The challenge is that I have a large amount of data (around 30,000 entries) to compare against the user input to ensure they are selecting valid options.

I came across this solution (https://github.com/janosh/svelte-multiselect), but styling it has proven difficult as it does not blend well with the rest of the page.

As I was writing this question, I realized that what I am seeking is somewhat akin to the tag search bar used by StackOverflow when creating a new post.

If anyone has any suggestions or guidance on how I could tackle this issue, please let me know.

Answer №1

Creating this yourself can be quite intricate. The amount of data involved necessitates optimizations that may not typically be necessary. One important initial step is to investigate debouncing the search input.

If you need a visual reference, check out this example.

Depending on your specific implementation needs, you might also need to explore virtualization. For a component like the one in the aforementioned example, this would involve dynamically slicing the filtered data as users scroll through it. This way, only the portion visible based on their scroll position is actually rendered.

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