Effective Ways to Transfer Data from Angular to CSS in an HTML Table

I am working on an Angular web app that includes an HTML table. The data for this table is retrieved from a database via a service and displayed as text.

One of the columns in the table represents a Status, which I want to visually represent as a colored circle instead of plain text. For example, if the cell value is "green", it should display a green circle.

Below is my current approach:

CSS (Component Styles snippet):

:host ::ng-deep td.circle { 
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 0;
  background-color: RED;  <---  need to pass param here

The column styling is defined as follows:

.circle {
  border-radius: 50%;
  height: 24px;
  width: 24px;


<app-table [attrs]="serviceapi" [monthSelected]="monthSelected" ></app-table>

Corresponding TypeScript code for the table: In the constructor:

this.data =  {
  headers: [],
  rows: []

ngOnInit() {
  ).subscribe(response => {
    this.data = response;

Does anyone have suggestions for translating cell values into corresponding CSS background colors?

Thanks in advance,


Answer №1

This code snippet was successful for me:

<div *ngIf="cell.styleClass == 'circle'" [ngStyle]="{'background-color': cell.value}" [ngClass]="cell.styleClass">

Answer №2

One option is to add a data attribute to the HTML and create a corresponding selector:

[data-status="green"] {
  background: green;

[data-status="red"] {
  background: red;
<div data-status="green">Green</div>
<div data-status="red">Red</div>

However, using a regular CSS class may be just as effective without the need for extra attributes:

.green {
  background: green;

.red {
  background: red;
  <div class="green">Green</div>
  <div class="red">Red</div>

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