Effective ways to sort material cards in Angular

Can someone guide me on how to implement a search bar in my Angular application to filter cards by name? Here is the link to my Stackblitz project for reference: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackoverflowcom-a-60857864-6433166-dpaump

Below is a snippet from my Explore TS file where I have imported matcards and routers components from separate files:

import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { WorkspaceService } from 'src/app/core/services/workspace.service';
import { Workspace, WorkspaceType } from 'src/app/shared/models/workspace.model';

Here is the HTML code snippet to display the cards:

 <mc-workspace-card-list [workspaces] = "pubWorkspaces" [editable] = "false"></mc-workspace-card-list>   

Here is a preview of how it looks currently:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Kindly note that I have not included the complete code in my Stackblitz file due to multiple components being involved. Any suggestions or assistance on how to implement the filter function for filtering cards based on name would be greatly appreciated by just analyzing the provided code and Stackblitz file.

Answer №1

Although Citrus punk's answer is effective, here is a detailed explanation:


<input type="text"
[(ngModel)]="searchText" (ngModelChange)="searchTextChanged($event)" />


Within the ngOnInit lifecycle hook, iterate through the workspaces array and store public workspaces in a separate array:

   workspaces.forEach(workspace => {
        if(workspace.type == WorkspaceType.public){
   this.filteredPubWorkSpaces= this.pubWorkspaces;

The following function is triggered when there is a change in the search input, assuming each public workspace object has a 'name' property:

 //return array of workspace only having search text in their names
  this.filteredPubWorkSpaces= this.pubWorkspaces.filter(pubws=>pubws.name.includes(searchText));

Finally, pass the filtered public workspaces to the component:

 `<mc-workspace-card-list [workspaces] = "filteredPubWorkSpaces" [editable] = "false"></mc-workspace-card-list>`

Answer №2

To enhance user experience, consider displaying search results in an additional list. Simply duplicate the original list during component initialization. When the search bar content changes, implement a function to filter the original list based on the search term and store the filtered results in a separate variable:

export class ExploreComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
private workspaces;
public filteredWorkspaces;
public searchterm;

constructor(private workspaceService: WorkspaceService, private router: Router) { }

ngOnInit(): void {
  this.loading = true;
  this.workspaceService.getUserWorkspaces().subscribe((workspaces) => {
    workspaces.forEach(workspace => {
      if (workspace.type == WorkspaceType.public) {
      this.filteredWorkspaces = workspaces;
onInputChange() {
  this.filteredWorkspaces = this.workspaces.filter(ws => ws.name.includes(this.searchterm));

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