Dynamically changing CSS properties



There is a filter that might empty the first column, which is set to float:left. When the first column is empty, I want to update the second column's CSS style to float:left as well so they align left when needed. In my fiddle, you can see an overview of my code structure. I'm attempting to achieve this using jQuery with a condition like:

if(!$('.ab div.ttt').css('display') == 'block'){
- this code is meant to select elements where display is not block and change the style of .cd (second column) accordingly. However, this approach doesn't seem to work for me. Additionally, I need a way to reset it once the items in the left column are back. Essentially, I'm filtering items between left and right columns based on user input.

Answer №1

Give this a shot:

let ttt = $(".ab div.ttt"),
    cd = $(".col.cd");

$("div#click-me").click(function () {
    if (ttt.is(':visible')) {
        cd.css('float', 'left');
    } else {
        cd.css('float', 'right');

Check out the jsFiddle demo here.

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