Dynamically adding a CSS gradient to an element with JQuery

Check out my HSL color picker on JS Bin

I have created a simple HSL color picker that dynamically applies a gradient to a range input type upon DOM ready and changes to update the picker.

// Code Update Setup
$(".cpick-code-hsl").on('change keyup', function() {
  $(this).val( "hsla(" + $(".cpick-hue-text").val() + ", " + $(".cpick-s-text").val() + ", " + $(".cpick-l-text").val() + ", " + $(".cpick-a-text").val() + ")");

  // Apply as body background
    "background": $(".cpick-code-hsl").val()

  $(".cpick-code-rgb").val( $(".head").css("backgroundColor") );

  // Alpha Saturation
    "background": "linear-gradient(to right, #7f7f80 0%," + "hsl(" + $(".cpick-hue").val() + "," + $(".cpick-s").val() + "%," + $(".cpick-l").val() + "%)" + " 100%)"
  // Alpha Lightness
    "background": "linear-gradient(to right, #000000 0%," + "hsl(" + $(".cpick-hue").val() + "," + $(".cpick-s").val() + "%," + $(".cpick-l").val() + "%) 50%,#ffffff 100%)"
  // Alpha Preview
    "background": "linear-gradient(to right, rgba(51,51,51,0) 0%," + "hsl(" + $(".cpick-hue").val() + "," + $(".cpick-s").val() + "%," + $(".cpick-l").val() + "%)" + " 100%)"

I found the Gradientz plugin, but it doesn't work in Firefox. Does anyone know of a simpler and more effective solution?

Answer №1

Are you able to access a stylesheet or include a <style> element? It would simplify things, boost performance, and clean up your code if you create a CSS class and then use jQuery to add that class to your element.

Check out this JSFiddle link for reference

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