Dynamic Height in React Material-UI Table with Sticky Headers and Multiple Rows

Currently, I am working with React and Material-UI to create a table that needs to have a sticky header for a multi-row table head. The challenge I'm facing is that I don't want to specify a fixed height for the table, but instead have all lines in the header stick to the top of the page as users scroll.

In my sandbox example, the issue arises when I scroll down - only the last row of the table head sticks to the top while the "Value" and "Another Value" rows do not. What I actually need is for all rows in the table head to stay fixed at the top regardless of how many there are or their variable heights.

If you'd like to take a look at the specific problem, you can view it here: https://codesandbox.io/s/condescending-roman-hqkpj

Answer №1

We have found the perfect solution for you:

<TableCell style={{ top: "52px" }}>
, which involves adding the 'top' css property to each cell in the second header row. Additionally, we recommend checking out this closed issue: https://github.com/mui/material-ui/issues/23090

Answer №2

While I still utilize the stickyHeader feature for ensuring the correct visual styles, I have implemented my own custom sticky behavior. Additionally, I have made a modification to the header's background color by leveraging the themes background paper variable.

<TableContainer sx={{ height: "100%" }}>
    <Table size="small" stickyHeader>
                position: "sticky",
                top: 0,
                zIndex: 1,
                "& .MuiTableCell-root": { backgroundColor: "background.paper" },

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