Dynamic font size that adjusts as you change the window dimensions

Is there a way to adjust the font size in HTML so that when I resize the window, the text size adjusts accordingly? It's like setting a percentage for the text based on the size of the container it is in.

Let me provide an example of what I have in mind:

#box #text {
   font-size: 50%;

For instance, if #box has a width of 200px, then #text should be 100px. The challenge arises because the width of #box will vary dynamically on the website, making it impossible to set a fixed width for #text.

Answer №1

Implement it using jquery.

    $('#box #text').css('font-size',($(window).width()*0.5)+'px');

Answer №2

Employing the vh (viewport height), vw (viewport width), and/or vm (viewport minimum (smallest of the dimensions)) units in modern CSS3-compliant browsers is recommended. For older browsers, it may be necessary to monitor for resize events and utilize JavaScript as detailed in Razor Storm's response.

Answer №3

If your browser is equipped to do so, you have the ability to utilize CSS media queries for adjusting your design based on the window width.

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