I'm encountering an issue with Dreamweaver CS6 where it's not recognizing the web fonts I'm trying to add through the Web Fonts option. Even though I attach the font's CSS sheet and include the font's name in the font-family tag, the fonts on my webpage remain unchanged.
After some investigation, I believe I've found a solution to this problem. It seems that CS6 is inputting the wrong name into the Font Families text box. To rectify this, open the CSS sheet of the specific font you're using and copy the correct font name from the relevant line in the CSS file.
For instance, if the CSS includes "font-family: 'Special_font_regular';", you should add "Special_font_regular" as the font name for the font-family tag. This modification should be reflected in your CSS code under the appropriate class or id tags: font-family: "Special_font_regular".
By following these steps, you should now see the new font displayed correctly on the webpage you are designing.