Draggable header items with a sliding menu

The Guardian (a newspaper from the UK) offers an android app that features a swipe navigation menu, which I would love to incorporate into my HTML5 application.

If you select an article on their app, it displays a header in this format and appearance:

(Is there someone who knows how to reduce the size of these elements?)

As you swipe left or right, the html slide changes, with the header item sliding along as well, displacing the previous item in the list.

I'm curious if there are any existing JavaScript plugins available to achieve this effect?

Thank you!

Answer №1

If you're in need of a JavaScript library, check out Hammer.js which may fit your requirements.

With this library, you can easily create event handlers like the example below.

Hammer(el).on("swipeleft", function() {
    alert('you swiped left!');

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