Does .NET MVC provide the necessary separation of HTML/CSS/JS for my project?

Currently, I am collaborating with my ASP.NET development team in an effort to improve the quality of our HTML output. We are facing challenges due to ASP.NET's tendency to insert JavaScript directly into the page, creating dependencies on JS for form controls to function properly. This has led to difficulties in achieving cleaner HTML without adding significant development time.

In the past, I have worked with MVC frameworks like Struts in Java, which allowed me to maintain full control over my HTML pages. This approach resulted in high-quality web pages that met my standards, even when integrating with Java programmers to complete the project.

I am now considering whether transitioning to .NET MVC would provide the level of separation I desire, or if it would require a substantial investment of time to evaluate. If .NET MVC falls short of meeting my needs, I would greatly appreciate any recommendations on coding practices or libraries within the .NET ecosystem that could help achieve this level of control.

Answer №1

By utilizing the ASP.NET MVC Framework, you will experience a greater level of separation that is more recognizable. With the absence of viewstate and other components in the MVC Framework, the concern of JavaScript cluttering your pages is eliminated. Any JavaScript calls present will be those that you intentionally include.

You have the ability to segregate HTML, CSS, and JS similar to how you would in an alternative framework.

Answer №2

Based on the selected view engine, it is possible.

To confirm, simply review the page source of stack-overflow. While not as elaborate as zen-garden, it is quite tidy.

Further explanation:

The view engine handles the page rendering. Whether using the standard engine or alternatives like nVelocity or Brail, the choice is yours, similar to monorail.

The output HTML relies on the selected view engine. Generally, most view engines perform better in this aspect compared to vanilla ASP.Net.

Answer №3

@Wrestlevania inquired:

Does anyone have any suggestions for best practices, libraries, or other resources for .NET coding that could be particularly beneficial?

When coding in ASP.Net, I prioritize maintaining a strong separation of concerns. By steering clear of asp controls and instead utilizing basic html elements whenever possible, I am able to prevent ASP.Net from injecting unnecessary CSS or JS into my page. For instance, I opt for using span instead of asp:literal and button in place of asp:button.

The only ASP control I incorporate is the repeater, primarily for generating tables. For any similar functionality, I either develop my own solution in javascript or leverage a framework like jQuery.

Answer №4

Utilizing Asp.Net MVC can streamline the process of separating html, css, and js by limiting the features that may impede this separation.

For instance, Html helpers in Asp.Net MVC tend to focus solely on generating html, giving users the flexibility to manage style information solely through class attributes.

Additionally, explore best practices commonly used with libraries such as jQuery as a model for maintaining scripted functionality within js files and keeping it separate from html. By assigning event handling behaviors to page elements during load based on element type, class, and id, the code remains clean and organized.

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