Do matrix filters in IE7 take into account white space sensitivity?

Utilizing CSS transformations, I am reverting to the following Matrix transform specifically for IE7 and IE8.

filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.0, M12=0.33, M21=-0.33, M22=0.0,sizingMethod='auto expand') 

This method functions without issue in all iterations of Internet Explorer. However, when there are no spaces after each comma (which occurs during CSS minimization), I encounter a series of peculiar anomalies on IE7. It appears as though the browser completely disregards definitions for various other classes located elsewhere in the CSS document.

Only IE7 is impacted by this issue, regardless of whether it is native IE7 or IE9 operating in IE7's standards mode.

To work around this obstacle, I can adjust my CSS minification tool to preserve the spaces within this specific rule. Nonetheless, I am eager to comprehend the underlying cause. My assumption is that it may be an IE7 bug; could I possibly be the first person to come across this?

Answer №1

Today, we encountered a problem that may not be the first time it has appeared. You seem to be the first one to report this issue, although Scott McGhee reported it a month later. This obscure problem doesn't have many references apart from these instances.

Your suspicion that this is a bug in IE7 is accurate; the behavior we observed is indeed unexpected. When you open this fiddle in IE7 or IE7 browser mode, you'll see three orange squares with X's inside them. The sizes of the squares are 25x25px, 50x50px (scaled down from 100x100px and slightly blurred), and 100x100px. Everything looks as expected until you remove the whitespace character mentioned in the fiddle, causing the styling of the second and third elements to disappear.

I suspect that having a space within a string parameter without leading spaces in the entire parameters list triggers this bug. To test this theory, I added another method using blur:

progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelradius=3, enabled='hello world');

If you delete the first space after "enabled=", the bug reappears behind the number 3. Removing the second space after "hello" restores normal functionality. So far, my theory remains consistent.

I haven't attempted this in IE6.

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