Dividing the z-index by half of the shape

I am trying to achieve the following shape:


So far, I have attempted the following code. How can I combine these elements together?

.clal-loader div{
  border: 10px solid #38477e;
  border-left: 0;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 100px;
  border-top-right-radius: 100px;
  width: 30px;
  height: 30px;
.clal-loader div:nth-child(1){

.clal-loader div:nth-child(2){
 transform: rotate(-180deg);
     position: absolute;
    left: 25px;
    z-index: -1;
<div class="clal-loader">

Answer №1

Using radial-gradient and a single element, you can create a unique shape by combining four similar gradient styles to form a quarter circle design:

.box {
    radial-gradient(circle at bottom left, transparent 40%,blue  40%, blue  60%,transparent 61%) top,  
    radial-gradient(circle at bottom right,transparent 40%,green 40%, green 60%,transparent 61%) top,
    radial-gradient(circle at top right,   transparent 40%,green 40%, green 60%,transparent 61%) bottom,
    radial-gradient(circle at top left,    transparent 40%,blue  40%, blue  60%,transparent 61%) bottom;
  background-size:100% 50%;
<div class="box">


To achieve a similar effect with two elements, utilize pseudo-elements within each div and adjust the z-index for proper layering:

.box {
.box > div {
.box > div:before,
.box > div:after {

.box > div:first-child {

.box > div:last-child {

.box > div:first-child::before {
  border-top:15px solid;
  border-right:15px solid;
.box > div:first-child::after {
  border-bottom:15px solid;
  border-right:15px solid;
.box > div:last-child::before {
  border-top:15px solid;
  border-left:15px solid;
.box > div:last-child::after {
  border-bottom:15px solid;
  border-left:15px solid;

*,*::before,*::after {
<div class="box">

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