Divide the text: send a few to the left and the rest to the right

Looking for a way to split text in list elements? You can use the following code:


Where | represents the element boundary, and . indicates white space. The code snippet is as follows:

<li><span class="left">Foo</span><span class="right">Bar</span></li>

However, if you're facing alignment issues with this approach, simply adding position: relative; right: 1px; or float: right; to .right won't solve the problem.

UPDATE: text-align didn't work either.

UPDATE 2: To clarify, the goal is to align some text to the left and some to the right side of the element.

Answer №1

Here is a suggestion to achieve the desired result:


<li><span class="left">Foo</span><span class="right">Bar</span></li>

And for CSS:



    width: 50%;

You can adjust the space between Foo and Bar by changing the width percentage as needed.

Check out this DEMO for a visual representation.

Answer №2

Styling with CSS

This code snippet ensures that the list items (li) take up the full width of the screen.

    display: block;
    width: 100%;

The classes .left and .right are floated to the left and right respectively.

    float: left

    float: right;

Lastly, use the following code:

    content: '';
    clear: both;

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