Div refuses to clear floats

Working on an app at and encountering an issue with the main container not clearing floats, causing overflow on the content.

Attempted to use this CSS:

.clearfix:after {
    display: table;
    clear: both;

Added the class to the main container but still facing float clearing issues.

Struggling to get the main container to fully wrap tabbed content. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Apologies for using "!important" tags in CSS; necessary for future maintenance once app transitions from static page to WordPress theme of main site.

Answer №1

Changing the position from absolute to relative in the .tabs .tab-content section is what's causing the problem. 
Making this adjustment will fix the "clear" issue, but you will also need to make some additional CSS changes to maintain the original layout appearance. 

Answer №2

The .tabs .tab-content style is applying position: absolute; to individual .tab-content elements, causing them to be removed from the normal document flow.

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