Div inside is being cutoff by a div with 100% height

I am currently working on a website that has full height and width. I have a fixed panel on the left side and a scrollable main content area on the right side.

However, in the main content area, the last div is getting cut off for some reason. I have checked it on both Firefox and Chrome, but they show the same issue.

You can view the problem here: removed

As you can see, adding a large margin-bottom (50px or more) seems to solve the issue temporarily, but it doesn't look good aesthetically.

PS: Please disregard any missing images as I have only uploaded this specific page, not the entire website.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Answer №1

  1. It seems that setting the height to 100% can be quite inconsistent across different browsers, so it's best to avoid using it.
  2. If you typically use a CSS reset in your layouts, be cautious about adding overflow: hidden; as it may cause layout issues right from the beginning.

Removing "overflow: hidden;" reveals the problem. Your content pane is taking on the height of the body, causing the "topBar" section to be hidden at the bottom of the page because of the Body element hiding the overflow.

Answer №2

Yes indeed - consider using overflow:scroll; or overflow:visible; You may also want to experiment with removing float:right; as it can disrupt the layout and cause issues with box adjustments.

Update: It appears that the problem lies in the content divs having floats on both left and right sides, which interferes with margins due to disrupting the flow of the page elements.

Update(2): The issue seems to be caused by setting overflow:hidden; in the main style rule affecting multiple elements. Changing this to overflow:visible; and adjusting overflow properties elsewhere should help resolve the problem. Removing inline floats could also improve the situation. Further tweaking may be needed, but addressing these key points should address the underlying issue.

Answer №3

Detected problematic CSS on main-style.css line 5:


and also on main-style.css line 127:


This is causing the bottom of the page to be cut off. After correcting this issue, it became apparent that the wrapper div does not span the full height of the window (due to the background gradient ending prematurely), resulting in misaligned content within the main divs. These are common challenges mentioned by other users working on formatting their pages correctly.

Please refer to this JsFiddle here. for a working example in Chrome, FF, IE 6-8, and Safari.

To address the floated div content problem, ensure you specify a width of 50% for both left and right-floated content. You can also use text-align:right for right-floated content to keep it aligned to the right of the div.

 <div class="centerText messageWrapper">
        <div class="messgaeHeader">
            <div style="float:left; width:50%">
                From: 12345678<br />
            <div style="float:right; width:50%; text-align:right">
                Date: 123456789<br />


If anyone has a solution for the 100% height issue caused by these adjustments, please share. While my proposed fix may introduce new problems, it could serve as a starting point for finding the ultimate solution.

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