Disregard a specific CSS class that is assigned to a parent table element

   <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed data_table">

    <tbody data-bind="foreach: outboundFaxLogs">
              <td colspan="8">
                <table class="child-table">
                     <tr style="border:none">
                        <td>ReFax Status</td>
                    <tbody data-bind="foreach: ResubmissionHistory"">
                    <tr style="border:none">
                        <td data-bind="text: Status" ></td>
                        <td data-bind="text: FaxToNbr"></td>
                        <td data-bind="text: $root.formatDateTime(CompletionTime)"></td>
                        <td data-bind="text: OutboundFaxLogId"></td>





The parent table is styled with a css class 'table-bordered' from Twitter Bootstrap. To remove this style from the child table and eliminate the cell lines, you can apply a new class to the child table named "child-table". This will prevent the border styling defined for the parent table from affecting the appearance of the child table.

Answer №1

To achieve this look, simply update your CSS file

.table-bordered table, .table-bordered table th, .table-bordered table td {
   border: 0 none;

This will remove the borders from any tables nested within a parent table with the class .table-bordered.

Answer №2

Looking at the bootstrap.css file, you'll find that the borders for tr and td elements are specified as follows:

.table-bordered th,
  .table-bordered td {
    border: 1px solid #ddd !important;

If you want to change these borders inline, you can do so with:

<tr style="border:none!important;">

I hope this information is helpful for you.

Answer №3

If you want to remove styling in your CSS file, consider using the following code:

.table-bordered table th,
 .table-bordered table td {
border: 0 none !important;

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