What is the design for headers in accordion-groups with ngx-bootstrap?

Is there a way to customize the style of ngx-bootstrap accordion headers?

I've attempted various methods, including copying and pasting code from the documentation for header customization. However, it hasn't been successful. When inspecting the element in Chrome's Inspector, I notice multiple nested tags with different classes (primarily Bootstrap classes). Despite trying to modify the CSS path for the header, I've had no luck.

The header/link is enclosed within a <button> tag, and even using

button { color: red !important; }
doesn't yield desired results. I've exhausted all options but haven't found a solution yet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

accordion-group {
  ::ng-deep {
    div {
      &>div.panel-heading.card-header.panel-enabled {
        background-color: rgba(52, 58, 64, 0.15); // adjust the background color for each accordion heading

        .btn-link {
          color: rgb(6, 10, 9); // customize the style of the accordion heading buttons

      &>div.panel-collapse.collapse.in.show>div {
        background-color: hsla(210, 10%, 83%, 0.10); // modify the style of the expanded content


::ng-deep{} - this is how you can update the styles of a component from an imported library.

The solution provided is in SASS (.scss file). It may not be possible to apply changes to /deep/ components' styles in regular CSS. If your Angular project is set up with CSS, you can switch it to use SASS syntax by adding the following line:

ng config schematics.@schematics/angular:component.style scss

Answer №2

If you want to customize the look of the accordion, you can add a custom CSS class using the panelClass property.

For example:

  <accordion-group heading="Static Header, initially expanded"
    This content is directly in the template.
  <accordion-group heading="Content 1">
    <p>accordion 1</p>
  <accordion-group heading="Content 2" panelClass="customClass">
    <p>accordion 2</p>

Make sure to define the CSS rules in your project's global style sheet.

In style.css:

.card.customClass, .card.customClass .card-header, .panel.customClass {
    background-color: #5bc0de;
    color: #fff;

For more details, refer to the ngx-bootstrap documentation on (Accordion Styling).

Answer №3

Recently, I encountered a similar issue post-upgrade to the latest versions of angular, bootstrap, etc., prompting me to provide a more thorough explanation.

In my experience, there are primarily two approaches to tackle this problem:

  1. Utilizing the [panelClass] attribute and customizing the styling within the accordion component and its sub-elements.

This method can be quite meticulous and may require significant experimentation to achieve the desired aesthetics.


    <accordion-group heading="test" [panelClass]="'custom-class'"></accordion-group>
    <accordion-group heading="test2" [panelClass]="'custom-class'"></accordion-group>

Note the additional quotation marks in the [panelClass] - Angular expects presets by default. You can work around this by initializing a string variable containing your preferred custom class name for insertion.

Potential css (may require refinement):

accordion-group::ng-deep .custom-class>a{background-color: black !important;}
accordion-group::ng-deep .custom-class>a:hover{color:white !important;}
  1. Identify the specific classes utilized by the components (use your web browser's developer tools) and apply typical css techniques (::ng-deep, !important, '>', etc.), as needed. For instance, in the accordion-group, headings use classes like .btn, .btn-link, etc.

For example, if you wish to alter the default underlines in an accordion-group's heading to only appear on hover:


    <accordion-group heading="test" id="blah"></accordion-group>
    <accordion-group heading="test2"></accordion-group>


#blah .btn{text-decoration: none;}
#blah .btn:hover{text-decoration: underline;}

I personally find method #2 to be simpler, requiring just a bit of exploration into the components you're using (which is probably beneficial anyway).

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