Displaying Text on Mouseover with JQuery

I have created a unique set of graphs that unveil hidden text when hovered over with the mouse. To start, I carefully outlined the layout of my text:

<article class="fundamental_metrics">
    <h2>Fundamental Metrics</h2>
    <p id="number_of_transactions"></p>
    <p id="total_transaction_volume"></p>

Here is the corresponding CSS styling:

    height: 100px;
    width: 100px;
    display: none;
    z-index: 1;

Notice how the display property is set to none. Next, I implemented some JQuery code to enhance this feature:

          $(document).ready ( function () {
                $(document).on("mouseenter", "svg", function () {
                    console.log("mouse enter");

                    $("#number_of_transactions").empty().append("Number of Transactions: " +10000);
                    $("#total_transaction_volume").empty().append("Total transaction volume: " + 1000);

                }).on('mouseleave', 'svg', function () {
                    console.log("mouse leave");
                    $(this).css("opacity", "1");

Despite correctly appending the article element to the parent class from the inspect menu, nothing seems to be visible on the screen.


Take a closer look at the blue highlight area, where you can find the article tag with display: block. Initially, I suspected issues with the z-index, but even after adjusting it, the problem persists. Any suggestions?

EDIT: It's worth noting that the graphs are being generated using the D3.js library.

Answer №1

To make your code work, just exclude the svg from the event handler arguments.

On a side note: There seems to be inconsistency in naming between your article and JavaScript files - total_loan_originated versus total_loan_origination.

For a working test example that doesn't involve appending to svg, check out this linked fiddle.

Update: The text box is not being properly removed. You can see the fix in this updated fiddle: Updated fiddle link.

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