Displaying photos locally in HTML is not supported

I've encountered an issue with my HTML code. I'm trying to load images from my local drive, and the path to the folder seems correct because I can open the images by ctrl + clicking on them. However, when I open my page using a live server or host it somewhere, the images load fine. The problem arises when I try to load the images by opening index.html directly, as no pictures are shown.

When loading from a live server:

By opening index.html:

<img src="/img/special.png" alt="">
 background-image: url(/img/apartments.png);

I have tried using one of these two lines of code to display the images, but they still don't load properly.

Answer №1

try using

<img src="./images/unique.png" alt="custom image">

Answer №2

I discovered a solution! When referencing the image, it should be ./img; and if used in CSS (since it's in the style directory), it should be ../img. Appreciate all the help provided, and hopefully this comes in handy for someone else in the future.

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