Displaying iFrame Border in React Native WebView

When attempting to dynamically add YouTube videos to my React Native app, I decided to utilize a combination of WebView and iFrame due to the incompatibility of the current react-native-youtube component with RN 16+. Although this solution works, the iframe border persists despite attempts to remove it using CSS or frameborder = 0. Additionally, changing the border color through CSS has proven unsuccessful. Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue? Below is the code snippet in question:

Here is the video-preview component (where users can preview the video, title, etc before tapping):

module.exports = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
      return (
          onPress={this.props.onPress} >
           <View style={styles.card}>
                automaticallyAdjustContentInsets={false} />
              <View style={[styles.container, this.border('organge')]}>
                  <View style={[styles.header, this.border('blue')]}>
                      <Text style={[styles.previewText]}>{this.props.text}</Text>
                  <View style={[styles.footer, this.border('white')]}>
                    <View style={styles.sourceRow}>
                      <View style={[this.border('white')]}>
                            style={[styles.logoBtn, , this.border('red'), styles.row]}
                            source={this.props.src} />
                      <View style={[this.border('white')]}>
                          <Text style={[styles.rowText, {fontWeight: 'bold'}]}>{this.props.entryBrand}</Text>
                          <Text style={[styles.rowText]}>{this.props.views}</Text>
                    <View style={[styles.heartRow, this.border('black')]}>
                          style={[styles.category, this.border('blue')]}
                          selected={this.props.selected} />

The visual representation is as follows:


The input iframe HTML within the WebView appears like this:

<iframe style='border: 0;border-width: 0px;' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' width='320' height='300' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/2B_QP9JGD7Q'></iframe>

Below is the provided styling information:

var styles = StyleSheet.create({
  // Styles definition here

Answer №1

Upon further investigation, I discovered that the default margin for the body element is 8px.

To address this issue, I enclosed my <iframe> within a <body> tag as shown below:

               html: `<body style="margin: 0;">
                               style="border-width: 0;"
                               src='${pageUrl}' />

By applying a style to the body element to remove the unwanted spacing and adjusting the iframe's style to eliminate the border, I successfully eliminated any visible gaps around the iframe.

You can find the original solution posted here.

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