Displaying all hidden sections on a website

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to expand all the collapsible sections on a webpage at once. One section that is relevant to my search looks like this:

    <td style="..;">
        <div style="..">
            <span id=".." style="display:inline;"><br />
                <div style="display:inline"> ... 
            <span id="toHide1234" style="display:none;"><br />
                <div style="display:inline">
            <a id="expcoll1234" href="JavaScript:expandcollapse('expcoll1234',1234)">

By clicking on the expand link, as shown above, this specific section expands. However, I am faced with numerous expand links on the webpage in question and on many other pages I need to do this for.

I would greatly appreciate any insights on how to accomplish this task. I am looking for a simple solution since my knowledge of web programming is basic, limited to elementary HTML skills.

Answer №1

If you're looking to incorporate this into a website that you don't manage, your options to insert your own JavaScript code are limited. You might be able to execute it through the browser console or a "bookmarklet", unless the site has restrictions in place like CSP.

Alternatively, if your goal is simply to access the raw data within the HTML, disabling styling in your browser could be the best approach. This will override inline styles like style="display:none;", ensuring everything is visible from the beginning.

As mentioned in the comments, visiting directed me to the uMatrix browser extension. If this extension meets your needs, then that's great!

Answer №2

To locate all hidden sections with IDs in the format "toHide" + some numbers, you can search for all <span> elements within the page and then narrow down the results by their IDs to modify the display style property:

     .filter(span => span.id.startsWith('toHide'))
     .forEach(span => { span.style.display = ''; });

Answer №3

To achieve this, consider leveraging the power of jQuery.

Start by assigning an "expand" class to each div you want to expand, along with a "collapsed" class that sets the height of the element to 0 (or your desired collapsed state).

<div class=“expand collapsed …”>
<div class=“expand collapsed…”>

Next, select all these <div>s simultaneously and remove the "collapsed" class using the following code:


You can encapsulate this line in a function and trigger it on a button click event by setting the button's onClick attribute to the function name.

Alternatively, you could explore utilizing a library like Bootstrap, which offers a robust collapse feature.

Answer №4

Dealing with a similar problem, I sought to automatically expand all abstract sections on Arxiv. Through the Chrome dev console, I discovered a solution that met my needs perfectly:


This was necessary because the "abstract-full" class had its display set to none by default.

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