Displaying a <div> element within a :before pseudoelement

Implementing the use of :before to insert an icon font into a div for a CSS3 hover state. I am looking to incorporate a div within the <a> tag in order for both elements to function as links:

<a href="#set-4" class="column product hi-icon product-icon"><div>Product</div></a>


.product-icon:before {
    content: "\e601";
    margin-top: "-4px";

However, I am struggling to find a way to display the title div.

I have created a CodePen demo to showcase the issue. Can anyone offer guidance on how to solve this problem? Much appreciated!

Answer №1

The <div> element is currently receiving a font-size value of 0 from the .hi-icon class. By removing this, the content will be displayed below the circle.

Answer №2

One important point to remember is that you cannot inject html using the :before and :after pseudo-classes.

Additionally, both :before and :after will place their contents on the outside of the targeted element, rather than inside it. So, even if you attempt to use :before/:after for inserting html, you'll end up with

<div><a ...>Product</a></div>
, not
<a ...><div>Product</div></a>

If you do find yourself needing to automatically wrap the contents of an a tag with a div, you can achieve this easily with jQuery:

$('.product-icon').each(function() {
    $(this).html('<div>' + $(this).html() + '</div>');

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