displaying a div upon checking the checkbox

How can I make a div push the content below it when it is in the show state? Currently, when I check the checkbox, the textarea covers the submit button, hiding it. Is there a way for the textarea to push the button down instead? You can find my code here:


If you try it out, you'll see what I mean. Also, how can I control the speed at which the div is displayed? Thank you!

Answer №1

Here is a simple CSS rule to add to your stylesheet:

.contactmessage {
  float: left;

If you want your div to fade in gradually, substitute the following code:

$('input[name="messagetick"]').click(function() {


$('input[name="messagetick"]').click(function() {
  if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
    $('.contactmessage').fadeIn(250); // fading in over 250 milliseconds
  } else {
    $('.contactmessage').fadeOut(250); // fading out over 250 milliseconds

Answer №2

To adjust the height of 'fb-input-right-conradio' after displaying a textarea, you can use jQuery's .height() function.

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