I need some help creating a fullscreen slideshow that loops images using Chocolat JS.
According to the documentation, I should start with:
<div class="chocolat-parent" data-chocolat-title="set title">
<a class="chocolat-image" href="series/1.jpg" title="caption image 1">
<img class="chocolat-open" width="100" src="series/1.jpg" />
<a class="chocolat-image" href="series/2.jpg" title="caption image 2">
<img width="100" src="series/2.jpg" />
<a class="chocolat-image" href="series/3.jpg" title="caption image 3">
<img width="100" src="series/3.jpg"/>
In my javascript, I have:
loop: true,
imageSize: 'cover',
But I'm unsure how to set it to automatically open and loop. Any suggestions?