Display Tooltip for Angular (ng2-tooltip-directive) exclusively when the value is defined

I have integrated the Tooltip for Angular (ng2-tooltip-directive) into my application to display tooltips.

Given the code below, how can I ensure that tooltips are hidden whenever the title is undefined?

<div tooltip="{{title}}"></div>

export class Component {
    title: string = undefined

It's worth noting that in this scenario, the tooltip appears with no text.

Furthermore, an interactive example demonstrating this issue can be found here.

Answer №1

<span [tooltip]="errorMessage" [display]="showTooltip" content-type="template" placement="right" show-delay="100" hide-delay="500">

Using the display attribute in ng2 tooltip allows you to control the visibility of the tooltip. In this example, a boolean variable showTooltip is used as the value for the display attribute.

Answer №2

Implement conditional rendering with *ngIf

<ng-container *ngIf="title">
    <div tooltip="{{title}}"></div>
<ng-container *ngIf="title == null">

Answer №3

After numerous attempts, I experimented with concealing the tooltip based on a condition in ng2-tooltip-directive. Unfortunately, this functionality is only available in the Pro version which offers element selection and additional features.

Alternatively, there are several excellent tooltip libraries accessible for Angular material design.

Note: It is not advisable to use

*ngIf title and tooltip=""
when iterating through items as it leads to unnecessary code duplication.

If you are utilizing bootstrap in your project, consider using ngbTooltip:

npm module



import { NgbModule } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';

imports: [


<ng-template #TooltipContent>
 <div>This file belongs to <b>

<div *ngFor="let file of files">
  <div [ngbTooltip]="file.owner.name ? TooltipContent : ''">

In the illustrated example above, the tooltip will only be displayed if the file has an owner.

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