Switching the background image of a div by clicking on a different div

To start, you can locate all of my code right here.


The issue I'm encountering pertains to the following section.

var changePic = function (direction, id, array) {

    var intID = parseInt(id);
    var intDir = parseInt(direction);
    if (intID > 0) {
        intID = intID + intDir;
        currentID = intID;
        $('#lightbox').css("background-image", array[intID].link);
    } else if (intID == 0 && intDir == 1) {
        intID = intID + intDir;
        currentID = intID;
        $('#lightbox').css("background-image", array[intID].link);

The goal for this function is to modify the background-image of the div id=lightbox to one specified in the provided array.

However, when clicking on the sidebar, it seems that the entire <div id=lightbox> is being removed as though the click was directed at the div itself rather than the sidebar. Nonetheless, upon inserting an alert within the function, it confirms that the event was triggered and some code within the function executed.

I suspect that clicking on the sidebar triggers two events - one for changing the background-image and another for removing the lightbox element again.

Is there a way to prevent the underlying div from responding to the click?

Furthermore, please feel free to correct me if I've misused any terms or violated proper posting etiquette. As a newcomer, any guidance from seasoned users would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

Answer №1

To prevent event propagation in the sidebar events, you need to use stopPropagation().

Using event.stopPropagation():

This function stops the event from bubbling up through the DOM tree, preventing any parent handlers from being notified of the event.

Code Example:

$(document).on('click', '#leftBar', function (event) {
        changePic(-1, currentID, activeArray);

    $(document).on('click', '#rightBar', function (event) {
        changePic(1, currentID, activeArray);

Check out the Updated Fiddle:


If you want to learn more about Event Bubbling and Propagation, make sure to read up on it!

Answer №2

Are you looking to target specifically the #lightbox element and not its contents?
You can achieve this by using the following code:

$('body > #lightbox').css("background-image", array[intID].link);

Answer №3

  • To avoid triggering the click event for #lightbox, you can simply include return false; in the handlers for the right and left bars.
  • I made sure to move the click handler for #lightbox out of the click handler for .singapore to prevent multiple instances of this handler being added.

Check out the updated fiddle here.

$(document).on('click', '#leftBar', function () {
    changePic(-1, currentID, activeArray);
    return false;

$(document).on('click', '#rightBar', function () {
    changePic(1, currentID, activeArray);
    return false;

$('.singapore').click(function () {
    currentID = event.target.id;
    openThumbnail(singaporeArray, currentID);

$(document).on('click', '#lightbox', function () {

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