Display the divs next to each other if there is ample space available; otherwise, stack them on top of each other

Within my website, I have a main container called #main-element whose width is dynamic and based on various factors including the window size. Inside this container, there are multiple elements as well as a footer container named #wrapper which always spans the full width of its parent container and houses two child divs, #left and #right.


The #left div can scale freely down to a minimum width of 300px, while the #right div has a fixed width of 120px. The specific behavior I'm aiming for includes:

  • If the width of #wrapper is large enough to accommodate both child elements (greater than or equal to 320px), display them side by side with #left filling up the remaining space.
  • If the parent container cannot fit both child elements, allow #left to take up the entire width and display #right below it.

I have successfully implemented most of this functionality, but the one thing that eludes me is how to ensure that #right appears below

#left</code when they cannot fit together horizontally. I am certain there must be a simple solution that I'm overlooking.</p>

<p>I would prefer a solution that does not rely on JavaScript and is compatible with older browsers (e.g. excluding the use of flexbox).</p>

<p>Below, you will find the code I've developed so far. Please note that the JavaScript portion is irrelevant to the issue at hand and is included solely for demonstration purposes.</p>

<pre class="lang-js"><code>!function(t){t(document).ready(function(){t.fn.asize=function(){t(this).animate({width:t(this).css(t(this).width()+"px"==t(this).css("min-width")?"max-width":"min-width")},{duration:3e3,step:function(i){t("span",this).text(Math.round(i)+"px"),t("#left").text(Math.round(t("#left").width())+"px"),t("#right").text(Math.round(t("#right").width())+"px")},complete:function(){t(this).asize()}})},t("#main-element").asize()})}(jQuery.noConflict());
#main-element {
    /* this element HAS to be relative */
    position: relative;
    /* below rules are irrelevant */
    height: 100px;
    min-width: 360px;
    max-width: 570px;
    border: 1px solid #f00;

#wrapper {
    /* width is always 100% and always aligned to bottom */
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;

#left {
    /* force div to have at least 300px and exclude #right from its width */
    overflow: hidden;
    min-width: 300px;

    /* below rules are irrelevant */
    background-color: #aa0;
    height: 50px;

#right {
    /* show on the right; width always set, height equal to #left's height */
    float: right;
    height: 50px;
    width: 120px;

    /* below rules are irrelevant */
    background-color: #990;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- main widget container -->
<div id="main-element">
    <!--some number of elements inside the widget -->
    <!-- footer of the widget-->
    <div id="wrapper">
        <div id="right"></div>
        <div id="left"></div>

Answer №1

Here is the solution you've been searching for.

To achieve the desired layout, I utilized the display:table property for the wrapper class and applied display:table-column to the inner elements with the classes left and right.

Additionally, a media query is necessary in order to set screen width breakpoints. In this case, I referenced the width from your main-element class using

@media screen and (max-width: 570px)
. Feel free to adjust the value from 570px to any other size like 360px.

When the screen hits the designated breakpoint, the div with the class left will receive a min-width:100%; style, causing the div with the class right to move below it.

For the scenario where the right div drops down, I added a float:left property. This can be modified based on your specific needs.

This setup aligns with what I gathered about your requirements. If there are any adjustments needed, please let me know so I can assist further.

View DEMO on JSFiddle

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