Display or Conceal Sub-Header according to Scrolling Position

Question: My goal is to create a specific animation on my website. When loading the page on mobile, I want to display the div with ID "sub-header", but once the user scrolls more than 50px down, I want to hide it. Additionally, if the user scrolls up by 60px at any point while on the page, I want to show sub-header again.

The Issue I am Facing: The menu hides as expected when scrolling down, but when scrolling back up, it repeatedly shows and hides multiple times.

JQuery Code:

var newScroll = 0;
var subHeaderPosition = true;
var currentScroll = 0;

$(window).scroll(function () {
    currentScroll = $(window).scrollTop();

    if ($(window).width() < 779) {
       if (currentScroll > 50 && subHeaderPosition) {
           console.log("Current Scroll position: " + currentScroll);
           console.log("Hiding Sub-Header");

           subHeaderPosition = false;
           newScroll = $(window).scrollTop();
           console.log("New Scroll position: " + newScroll);
        } else if ((currentScroll - 60) < newScroll && !subHeaderPosition) {
            console.log("Scroll position: " + currentScroll);
            console.log("Showing Sub-Header");
            subHeaderPosition = true;
            newScroll = $(window).scrollTop();
         } else {
             newScroll = $(window).scrollTop();

UPDATE: Upon further investigation, I noticed that 'newScroll' and 'currentScroll' always have the same value, which gives me some insight into where the problem might lie. I will share a solution once I find one, but I'm open to suggestions from others as well.

Answer №1

If you are looking to resolve a certain problem, try using this solution:


$(window).on('scroll', function(){

    if($(window).scrollTop() >= 50){
else if($(window).scrollTop() <= 60){




Answer №2

It appears that there is an issue with the timing of hide/show actions. This results in the hide action being completed while the scroll function continues asynchronously.

To see a demonstration, visit this jsfiddle.

I am confirming the accuracy of this using the variable canShowHeader. In my example, I am simulating a delay with setTimeout, but you can refer to the original jquery show/hide documentation:

For instance:

$( "#book" ).show(300, function() {
  canShowHeader = false;


$( "#book" ).hide(300, function() {
  canShowHeader = true;

I hope this explanation helps clarify the situation...

Answer №3

Considering the suggestion by @Ниязи Гумметов, I am contemplating using addClass and removeClass because each class can only be added or removed once.

Here is a potential implementation:

var newScroll = 0;

var subHeaderPosition = true;

var currentScroll = 0;

$(window).scroll(function() {

  currentScroll = $(window).scrollTop();

  if (currentScroll > 50 && subHeaderPosition) {

    console.log("Current Scroll position: " + currentScroll);

    console.log("Hide the scroll");


    subHeaderPosition = false;

    newScroll = $(window).scrollTop();

    console.log("New Scroll position: " + newScroll);

  } else if ((currentScroll - 60) < newScroll && !subHeaderPosition) {

    console.log("Scroll position: " + currentScroll);

    console.log("Show Sub-Header on scroll");


    subHeaderPosition = true;

    newScroll = $(window).scrollTop();

  } else {

    newScroll = $(window).scrollTop();

#sub-header {
  margin-top: 500px;
  transition: all .3s;
  opacity: 1;
  visibility: visible;
.hide {
  opacity: 0;
  visibility: hidden;
.show {
  opacity: 1 !important;
  visibility: visible !important;

Alternatively, you can explore Underscore Throttle as suggested by nicholaides.

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