Display Listings Shortcode with Responsive CSS styling

I recently added a plug-in called Display-listings-shortcode and incorporated the columns-extension feature on my website, RitaNaomi.com. This allows for blog posts to be displayed in columns halfway down the homepage when viewed on a web browser. Initially, the display appeared somewhat messy with titles appearing cramped beside and below images. However, after some tinkering, I managed to adjust the .display-posts-listing class to modify the layout.

.display-posts-listing .listing-item {padding-bottom:30;}

  margin: 40px

However, upon viewing the site on a mobile device, the columns remained horizontal rather than stacking vertically as desired. Despite attempting to use @media queries to alter this through CSS, the changes did not take effect.

I attempted to rectify this issue by using the following code within an @media handheld statement:

 .display-posts-listing .listing-item {
  clear: both;
  display: block;

 .display-posts-listing img {
  float: left;
  margin: 0 10px 10px 0;

Answer №1

Avoid using @media handheld {} as it has been deprecated, as per information from MDN.

Instead of that, consider targeting specific pixel-width values. You may need to use multiple queries, with some common standards being 1023px, 767px. Feel free to adjust the 900px in the example below to suit your needs.

@media only screen and ( max-width: 900px ){
   .display-posts-listing .listing-item {
       /* Your CSS Styles Here */

Answer №2

Eliminated the custom CSS that had been previously applied in the original theme as it was causing issues with the display of columns.

Decided against using @media handheld {} due to deprecation (kudos to xhynk for pointing that out), and opted instead for the command (max-width: 768), which is where the title and image styles began to look off.

In order to ensure that the title displays on its own line on larger screens, I included this snippet in my CSS:

.display-posts-listing .listing-item .title { display: block; }

Currently utilizing the aforementioned media query to determine how to style it on smaller devices.

Here is the full CSS code: https://gist.github.com/billerickson/17149d6e77b139c868640a0ed3c73b3a

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