Display interactive content according to radio button selection

I have 4 boxes, labeled a,b,c,d. When the user selects box a, specific content should be loaded:

If image a is picked, load content 1

If image b is picked, load content 2

If image c is picked, load content 3

If image d is picked, load content 4

I want all content to remain hidden until the radio button is clicked. Currently, everything is concealed but clicking on the radio button does not display any content.

Thank you!

<div id="framework">
         <div class="element">
              <img style="float:left;" src="img/left.png" />
              <img style="padding-left:25px; float:left;" src="img/right.png" />
              <img style="padding-left:25px; float:left;" src="img/both.png" />
              <img style="padding-left:25px; float:left;" src="img/without.png" />

          <form class="actions">
               <div style="clearfix:none;" class="confirm">
                   <input type="radio" id="frame_left" name="framework">
               <div style="clearfix:none;" class="confirma">
                    <input type="radio" id="frame_right" name="framework">
               <div style="clearfix:none;" class="confirmb">
                     <input type="radio" id="frame_both" name="framework">
               <div style="clearfix:none;" class="confirmc">
                      <input type="radio" id="frame_without" name="framework">
            $(document).ready(function() {
                // check radio buttons here and show/hide content accordingly

                  if ($("#frame_left:checked").length > 0) {
                  // add onclick functionality here
                 $("#frame_left").click(function() {

                 $("#frame_right").click(function() {

        <img id="navLeft" src="img/left.png" />
        <img id="navRight" src="img/right.png" />

Answer №1

leftNav(utilizing CamelCase) represents the identifier for your DIV, however, you are utilizing leftnav(without CamelCase) in your Script.

You have chosen to conceal rightNav, and if you select frameRight, your JavaScript will once more hide rightNav? Does this seem illogical to you?

Answer №2

My approach would involve using a switch statement and initially hiding the content elements using CSS. Check out a live example here. Regarding the frame_without parameter, it seems like it is meant to display nothing, as it currently does.

$('input[name="framework"]').change(function() {
    $('#navLeft, #navRight').hide();

    switch($('input[name="framework"]:checked').attr('id')) {
        case "frame_left":
        case "frame_right":
        case "frame_both":
           $("#navLeft, #navRight").show();
         case "frame_without":
            //Not sure what action should be taken here

The following CSS code can be used to hide the content by default:

#navLeft, #navRight {
    display: none;

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