Display every div element if none of the links have been clicked

On my webpage at url.com/yourfirstpage/, all div elements are hidden by default with a display:none property. If we specifically target #sec1 by going to url.com/yourfirstpage/#sec1, only sec1 is displayed while the others remain hidden. But what if we access the URL without specifying an anchor id like url.com/yourfirstpage/? In that case, all the divs should be shown.

#sec1, #sec2, #sec3{
<a href="#sec1">sec1</a>
<a href="#sec2">sec2</a>
<a href="#sec3">sec3</a>

<div id="sec1" class="page"> this is sec1</div>
<div id="sec2" class="page"> this is sec2</div>
<div id="sec3" class="page"> this is sec3</div>

Answer №1

If you need to adjust your HTML structure, here's a neat trick for you. The concept involves initially displaying the elements and then using :target to hide them. To achieve this without the ability to select previous or parent elements directly, I utilized an id within a parent element to target any specific element:

#sec1:target .page:nth-child(n+2){
  display: none;

#sec2:target .page:nth-child(2n+1){
  display: none;

#sec3:target .page:nth-last-child(n+2){
  display: none;
<a href="#sec1">sec1</a>
<a href="#sec2">sec2</a>
<a href="#sec3">sec3</a>

<div id="sec1">
  <div id="sec2">
    <div id="sec3">
      <div class="page"> this is sec1</div>
      <div class="page"> this is sec2</div>
      <div class="page"> this is sec3</div>

This method can be adapted for numerous sections, with room for enhancing the CSS code as shown below:

#sec1:target .page:not(:nth-child(1)),
#sec2:target .page:not(:nth-child(2)),
#sec3:target .page:not(:nth-child(3)),
#sec4:target .page:not(:nth-child(4)),
#sec5:target .page:not(:nth-child(5)) {
  display: none;
<a href="#sec1">sec1</a>
<a href="#sec2">sec2</a>
<a href="#sec3">sec3</a>
<a href="#sec4">sec4</a>
<a href="#sec5">sec5</a>

<div id="sec1">
  <div id="sec2">
    <div id="sec3">
      <div id="sec4">
        <div id="sec5">
          <div class="page"> this is sec1</div>
          <div class="page"> this is sec2</div>
          <div class="page"> this is sec3</div>
          <div class="page"> this is sec4</div>
          <div class="page"> this is sec5</div>

Answer №2

this simple method could provide a solution

utilizing the ! selector in CSS with the help of postcss plugins can achieve this effect

[...document.querySelectorAll('a')].forEach(a => {
    a.addEventListener('click', () => {
.targeted div {
  display: none;
.targeted div:target {
  display: block;
<a href="#sec1">sec1</a>
<a href="#sec2">sec2</a>
<a href="#sec3">sec3</a>

<div id="sec1" class="page"> this is sec1</div>
<div id="sec2" class="page"> this is sec2</div>
<div id="sec3" class="page"> this is sec3</div>

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